Wednesday, 1 April 2020

How Many Words should I write in the writing tasks of IELTS ?

There is a lot of confusion about how many wrods one needs to write in IELTS Tasks .
@Write more than 150 words ..that means write about 160 to 170 words in task one
@Write more than 250 words ..that means write about 260 to 270 words in task two
More than these limits will reduce your score & less than stipulated 150 & 250 words respectively in writing tasks one & two will also reduce your band score.

Is Accent Important in IELTS Speaking ?

It is impossible to have one single accepted accent ,as there are 1200 centers of IELTS tests in more than 140 countries.
@IELTS is not about 'accent test' but about 'language test' - how well do you communicate ?so no single accent is needed.
@It is about Intelligibility, which means the ability to understand someone or something.A key part of your speaking grade is being understood.One must use your voice to communicate meaning.So,no accent is essential & only communication is judged.
@Speak clearly so you don't give wrong impression & words are communicated clearly.
@Concentrate on correct English formation rather than accent.
@Be natural & relaxed while you take test & don't worry about accent